Here's a video of Pei Wen, trying to pronounce different words (in cantonese) correctly.
[ note : the other voice besides Pei Wen's doesn't belong to me. i've no idea whose voice was it! hahaha ]
It started off like that. Before recording the video, I think she said the word 'waste paper' [fei ji] in cantonese while we were talking about something but she ended up saying the word 'chopstick' [fai ji] instead. So I corrected her but she still didn't get it very well. Then I happen to think of asking her to say 'useless person' [fei yan] so she could get the pronounciation of the word she wanted to say [fei ji].
But anyway, it was yesterday (when I rewatched this video) that I realised she said something wrong in the video as well but we didn't realise it last time! AND AND another thing is that, she wasn't saying that I am that 'fei yan' okay =p
I have another 2 videos with me. Will post them up soon! Recording videos and taking pictures were how we spent our time (when SPM was approaching) while waiting for our teachers to enter the class. :D
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