the most anticipated Prefects Annual Dinner is over..yes, overrrr. it was my very last year attending LPU8's Annual Dinner. the dinner was greatt. =). finally we had the dinner at a different place! lol we had the dinner at Summit Hotel for 3 consecutive years and this year, we had the dinner at Holiday Villa, Subang Jaya. we had it in Cibo Restaurant. yes, it was a more confined area than the Summit Ballroom, but it was still good. we know that the form 4s had done what they could and we definitely appreciate whatever they've planned and done. good job, form 4s! =D
[note : super long post ahead with lots of photos =p. excuse me for the blur pictures. ]
okayy, lets start from the very beginning when i first stepped into Holiday Villa yesterday. i reached there at about 6 something, almost 7pm. and waited for Leanne and Eric at the hotel's lobby. they reached about less than 5 mins after that. hhaha. and we proceeded to the restaurant after knowing which floor is it located at. thereafter, we were told tht we can't enter the restaurant first as the form 4s plan to let us enter later, with the teachers and other vips. so we lingered around the hotel, the garden and all to capture our last moments together. =). but
then! it was so damn hot that i sweat soo badly. hahaha. so we decided to go back to the restaurant to get some cool air. but anyway, we didnt manage to go in the restaurant yet. so we sat on the seats in front of the restaurant and started snapping all the way again.
Vicky and I! haha he's one funny guy. =p
the other 3 guys - Eric, Wei Hao and Andrew
Leanne and I, again, again, and again. =p
Andrew and I
Pamela and I.
Suba, Leanne, Pam, and I =)
us again lol.
yes, we were in the washroom. ahaha the lightings were niceeee.
Suba and I
Audreeeyy and I! =D
hahahha this shot was taken by Audrey, after my many many failed attempts. xD
Tasha and I!
and again =p
us, at the entrance of the restaurant.
some of the doorgifts! haha.
our beloved teachers and vips finally reached at 8 plus and we finally get to go in the restaurant, in a grand parade. haha mr. victor claims tht he feels like a famous star when he and the other teachers together with the form 5 prefects (us) were welcomed in such a grand and warm way. haha.
prefect conquering the restaurant. =)
speech by our beloved ex-head prefect, Eric.
a random shot of my glass of drink. haha i actually dont know what drink was it. but i drank soo many cup of it. it was orange + syrup i suppose?
oh yeah~ the MJ Musical! guess who're these 3?!
the whole bunch of them =)
my ah lui and ah lui 2
people sitting right opposite me.
leanne and i, clad in our scarves.
tasha and i, also with our scarves.
the sor poh jun ee. xD
thenn, it was a dance by afternoon session prefects. and after that was our performance! haha it was so fun! i felt like we were playing on the stage instead of performing! haha i think waileong recorded the video during our performance. i'll post up the video after i get the video from him, or anyone else who recorded the performance. =)
our performance was also a musical performance, adapted from Mama Mia!. and it was titled, Mamak Mia! =p
the gay look by Gladwin. hahaha.
us, ready for our next scene. lol
Theresa and Kugii
Sophie (Leanne)'s 3 fathers! Sam, Bill and Harry! haha i dont know which name belongs to who! LOL!
haha the excited peopleeee =D
idlan, the one who came up with this idea, together with theresa. thanks so much, idlan. =)
dancing time! =D
the oh-so-gay-and-sexy guys! xD
a group picture of the form 5 prefects! but some are not in as they went home early..this picture is a not so proper one. haha i'll be grabbing the proper photos from leanne later! =p
pretty pretty Angela and I =)
Krystle and i =) she looks so cute! =D
Mandy and I! =D met her when we were leaving the restaurant.
Syeefa and I =D
Meiji and i :D
Diidii and i! =)
and again!
[note : super long post ahead with lots of photos =p. excuse me for the blur pictures. ]
okayy, lets start from the very beginning when i first stepped into Holiday Villa yesterday. i reached there at about 6 something, almost 7pm. and waited for Leanne and Eric at the hotel's lobby. they reached about less than 5 mins after that. hhaha. and we proceeded to the restaurant after knowing which floor is it located at. thereafter, we were told tht we can't enter the restaurant first as the form 4s plan to let us enter later, with the teachers and other vips. so we lingered around the hotel, the garden and all to capture our last moments together. =). but
then! it was so damn hot that i sweat soo badly. hahaha. so we decided to go back to the restaurant to get some cool air. but anyway, we didnt manage to go in the restaurant yet. so we sat on the seats in front of the restaurant and started snapping all the way again.
i dont know why, but people often mistaken the both of us for each other. but we look REALLY DIFFERENT. haha more pictures of the both of us ahead. =)
hahahha this shot was taken by Audrey, after my many many failed attempts. xD
our beloved teachers and vips finally reached at 8 plus and we finally get to go in the restaurant, in a grand parade. haha mr. victor claims tht he feels like a famous star when he and the other teachers together with the form 5 prefects (us) were welcomed in such a grand and warm way. haha.
prefect conquering the restaurant. =)
the night started off with the opening performance by the form 4 prefects. they performed an MJ Musical. it was really great. despite having so little time to plan for the dinner, they even manage to come up with a great performance! i'll see if anyone recorded a video of their performance. i'll post the link up if i, by any chance, get the video from those who recorded. haha that 'MJ' was so unpredictable. we didn't expect Wei Sheng to be MJ. lol Leanne was saying that Jue Wern will become MJ instead when she first met Jue outside the restaurant. haaha.
next, it was dinnerrrr time. =p. the food was fine. the form 3s performed while we were eating. lol. they sang "Top of the World". thennn there's a game in between too. the form 4s tied a ribbon on a few selected glass and those people who have a yellow ribbon tied ribbon on their glass of drink were required to participate in the game. haha the ribbon was initially tied on my glass of drink. but i tied it to eric's. and eric tied the ribbon to kugiindran's glass. haha so end up, he kena. xD.
leanne and i, clad in our scarves.
tasha and i, also with our scarves.
thenn, it was a dance by afternoon session prefects. and after that was our performance! haha it was so fun! i felt like we were playing on the stage instead of performing! haha i think waileong recorded the video during our performance. i'll post up the video after i get the video from him, or anyone else who recorded the performance. =)
our performance was also a musical performance, adapted from Mama Mia!. and it was titled, Mamak Mia! =p
there was a catwalk session also, for the teachers and vips to select the Best Dressed Male and Female Prefect. the Best Dresses Male was Jibril and the Best Dressed Female was Nikki =).
the dinner ended not long after that i suppose? haha i went home before it officially ended. hahaha nikki followed me home. and so, while waiting for my dad to reach, we took photos too! =p
i love you, the form 4 prefects for planning such a great dinner! =)
and thanks so much for the slideshow. it was really really nice and touching. we love you all and we know that you all love us too! =D thanks so much for everything. =)
ahhh.. i'm gonna miss the form 5 prefects so much..
and i actually didn't manage to take picture with every single one of them =(
and i actually didn't manage to take picture with every single one of them =(
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