It's a day off for the Selangor's students and workers today! I didn't spend the day resting at home, and I went out for a movie with Cynthia, Ee Leen, Wilson and Andrew instead. We met up with Kar Chun after that too. We watched Step Up 3. I haven't watched Step Up 1 & 2 before so I couldn't compare them, but overall, the movie was fine. To me, the ending was probably the nicest part of the movie. It made the time spent there worthwhile :)
It's great to meet my dear friends again after some time! And it feels so good to be released from the college stress. Life in college isn't exactly stressful, but I still need some time to adapt to it. We're loaded with tonnes of tests, assignments, presentations and homework. Those few things could just keep us occupied all the time and they never seem to be done completely :( . Other than that, college is great with awesome classmates who'll never fail to make each other laugh.
On a sidenote, I really have no idea why the girls in my class (including myself) tend to get a bit 'high' in the Physics Lab! It always happen, but we're not sure of the cause! There's sure something for us to laugh about every time when we're in the Physics Lab and our laughter just overpower everything else in the lab! But of course, that's after we're done with out experiments ;)
Anyway, here's a photo I stole from my sis and I thought it's really nice! :D

It's great to meet my dear friends again after some time! And it feels so good to be released from the college stress. Life in college isn't exactly stressful, but I still need some time to adapt to it. We're loaded with tonnes of tests, assignments, presentations and homework. Those few things could just keep us occupied all the time and they never seem to be done completely :( . Other than that, college is great with awesome classmates who'll never fail to make each other laugh.
On a sidenote, I really have no idea why the girls in my class (including myself) tend to get a bit 'high' in the Physics Lab! It always happen, but we're not sure of the cause! There's sure something for us to laugh about every time when we're in the Physics Lab and our laughter just overpower everything else in the lab! But of course, that's after we're done with out experiments ;)
Anyway, here's a photo I stole from my sis and I thought it's really nice! :D

pretty cool stuff here thank you!!!!!!!