the most anticipated bbq gathering was held yesterday and quite a few turned up! i'm so glad that they came and we had a great time together :)
okay let me blog about what i did for the whole day yesterday. i reached home at 11 something in the morning after leaving Genting Highlands at around 10. reached USJ, went and get chicken and squid to be barbecued and headed home.
reached home and i headed to the bbq pit to measure the size of the pit and let nikki know of it so that she can buy the net to be used for bbq later. sis and i washed the chicken and squid and marinated them after that. nikki came at around 4 something and helped to get the salad done. we rested for a while after that and started bringing the food, chairs and table down to the bbq area before 6.
the salad we prepared! :)
the chicken balls, potatoes and corn! these are only a small part of the food we had =p.
themmm :)
nikki bbq-ing chickens using tongs! LOL it reminds me of how the both of us went to miss then's house 2 years ago, intending to borrow a pair of tongs from her but she wasn't at home at that time. hahaha
chicken :D :D. it tasted really good!
miss then and her sis. plus a glimpse of karweng and...jeremy i think?
the scouts breaking charcoal.
hahahaa i've got no idea why they were not sitting.
no special effect done to the picture. the fire was just that big.
look at jeremy's pose! HAHA. i think kenneth looks quite funny here too LOL. click on the picture to enlarge.
we had so much of fun talking and laughing over everything, be it logic or not. with these guys around, there's no way that the place can be quiet hahaha. we started cleaning up the place at 10 something and miss then went home around that time also. so we took pictures with her before she left :)
nikki, miss then and i :D
with sis as well :D
miss then and the guys. this is the not-so-ready shot. terence and his friend went back earlier.
the proper one!
kenneth cleaning the small bbq pit.
okay let me blog about what i did for the whole day yesterday. i reached home at 11 something in the morning after leaving Genting Highlands at around 10. reached USJ, went and get chicken and squid to be barbecued and headed home.
reached home and i headed to the bbq pit to measure the size of the pit and let nikki know of it so that she can buy the net to be used for bbq later. sis and i washed the chicken and squid and marinated them after that. nikki came at around 4 something and helped to get the salad done. we rested for a while after that and started bringing the food, chairs and table down to the bbq area before 6.
remember i said we brought the chairs, table and food to the bbq area at around 6? guess what, it rained slightly after 6! and we were like omg why must the rain come now. it was actually raining at 3 something but stopped at around 4 so we didnt expect the rainfall again! oh and before it rained, there were 3 cats eyeing on the food we had on the table! so nikki and i bravely shooed the cats away by scaring them with aluminium foil. but sadly, we didnt really succeed.
okay and so it started raining at around 6 something. sis, nikki and i had to shift the whole table (that the food was put on) to the basement nearby. and after it rained quite heavily, we realised that we left 3 chairs under the rain LOL. but we had no choice but to leave those chairs there until the rain subsides. i called Miss Then and asked her what should we do at that time. then she asked if we can bbq at the basement and we told her that we can, if the guard don't notice us. i have a portable bbq pit and miss then has one too. so she brought hers down to be used as well.
sis found an isolated place in the basement for us to bbq at. it's quite spacious too hahaha and most importantly, cars can't be parked there. i dont know how to explain, but the cars just can't reach those few parking lots. hahaha.
miss then and her sis reached came down soon after that. oh and i think kenneth reached before miss then and her sis came down. then more and more people arrived as time passes. okay let me list down who came for the gathering yesterday - miss then, her sis, kenneth, kevin, karweng, jeremy, yuliang, terence jr, his friend (sorry i cant remember his name hahaa), sis, nikki and i. eugene was supposed to come too but he'd something to do, so he couldn't join us.
we had so much of fun talking and laughing over everything, be it logic or not. with these guys around, there's no way that the place can be quiet hahaha. we started cleaning up the place at 10 something and miss then went home around that time also. so we took pictures with her before she left :)
anyway, i didnt take alot of pics coz we occupied most of the time chatting and laughing all the way. we'll somehow forget about things like taking pictures while having real fun. oh and did i mention that all the attendees of the gathering are existing and ex photography members? and we had 4 different leaders of the photography club from 4 different years attending the gathering too! it's great that the people from 4 different batches can gather and do things together :) hahaa we're all photography members but aren't very into it while having fun. there're times that we should stick to our cameras and there're times we needn't too :)
we left the place at 11 something after cleaning up and they helped to carry things up to my house. reached home, switched on my laptop and went to bathe. and after i came online, i was engaged in a conversation with a few friends and got to know that vignes is leaving to Penang on monday (yes, tomorrow) to study. i was very very tired by then but didnt wanna miss the chance to chat with them so yeah, i stayed online till quite late and dozed off to sleep once i went offline.
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