i went to
Malacca with 12 classmates on sunday. and let me blog about it according to the days :)
Day 1 - Sundaymy dad fetched sonya, veron and i to puduraya and we reached at around 9am i think. we waited for the rest at the new waiting area as there were many people downstairs.
the view from the new waiting area.

sonya, veron and i :)

leanne and i

theresa and i

eeleen, leanne, myself

pw and i in the bus. the bus left at around 11am.

leanne and sonya just beside us.

the lovely pair LOL

the sleepy peiwennn
it took us about 2 hours to reach malacca. quite fast. hahaa. we headed to the hotel to check in, left our luggages there and went out to Jonker Walk for lunch.

what caught sonya's attention??

shaun, andrew and karchun

me and eeleen

okay i think this was the view when sonya looked up.

we went back to the hotel and took turns to bathe. we played cards while waiting for our turn to take bath.

leanne and i at the food court at i dont know where. LOL

few of the stalls.

the girlsss :)

we went walking around after dinner and they spotted this thingy. haha i dont fancy being turned around.

and i dont fancy climbing too.

then we headed back to Jonker Walk and had drinks!

my strawberry candy and leanne's mixed fruits candy. the candies were sticky. very sticky.

us with our candies! :D

oh and there was a
DIY cotton candy machine and we happen to see people doing it. :D

pw, leanne and i :)

i wonder if there's anyone who still wear shoes like that.
Day 2 - Monday

leanne trying to multi-task while waiting for others to bathe.

the girls :D

and again.

the guys

hahhaa the strong karchun. LOL

us again :)


the four of us with our fans! fan=love!

funny guys...

oh the lovely pair again! :D

pw, leanne and i at
A Famosa. HAHHAA peiwen is just so random and cute LOL

okay, vicky trying to climb up to tht hole.

but he couldnt reach so karchun helped him.

and tadaaa! here he is! up in the hole LOL. this photo wasnt edited at all but it was the sun's glare that made the effect.

sweet girls :)

leanne and i

the girls againnn. theresa looks so cool hahaha

eric, me and shaun. the wind was super duper strong at that time!

the winners of i dno what hahaha

spot mine and pw's bags LOL
we headed to Dataran Pahlawan after that coz it was really sunny outside! the aircond in Dataran Pahlawan was greatttt :D
cynthia! i took this just for u! it was so hard to just capture a fish in the picture coz there were so many fish there!

leanne and i with our
waffle cheese hotdog!

a bunch of students who're studying
tourism and i dont know what approached the both of us when we were walking around to take pics and asked us if we can help to fill up their survey forms. so we did it and they wanted to take pic with us after that. haha they're really friendly anyway :)

leen, leanne and i at Pahlawan Mall's field.

sonya, me and veron at the same place :)

sonya, peiwen, veron :)

plus myself in the pic! :)

a very nice shot :). eeleen went missing when we took this pic loll.

leanne and i at a Japanese restaurant.

vicky and his 'partner'. LOL

another pair - pw and andrew.

the usual pair - eeleen and wilson.

my dinner! :)

leanne and i. we were in the toilet as we planned to trick the guys. oh well i dont feel like typing abt it in details coz i'm still feeling
very very very guilty! sorry again guys. and thanks alot for the concern. it does make the girls feel protected and we really know how much you guys cared for us :)

eric and wilson trapped in the girls room. pity themmm

eeleen and wilson at one corner of the room. the girls went to the guys room to play games as we didnt want them to mess our room. but in fact, i think their room is neater! hhahaa
vicky was so thoughtful that he bought a gift to share with all of us. he bought a bottle of sparkling juice and carried it all the way from home to malacca. thanks so much vicky!
andrew is another thoughtful guy! he gave us these! and he explained how his sis and mum helped him to do the wrapping and all and practically everything. thanks andrew! :)

the girls with our lovely gift from andrew. i dont know what was eeleen's expression for HAHHAA

us with andrew :)

and now with vicky! :D

we played
police and thief. hahaha leanne and i are serial killers! LOL
Day 3 - Tuesday

the one and only picture i uploaded on my blog for the last day of the trip. hahaha. we took this
super noisy but quite comfortable bus and it took us about
3 hours plus to reach KL.
sonya's mum fetched sonya, veron, leanne and i home :).
thanks so much for everything - the joy, laughter, thoughts and every other thing. we did nothing really much for the whole time we're at Malacca besides buying stuffs nearby and walking around malls, and some historical buildings. it's the time we had together that we appreciate the most.
thanks shaun and andrew for being the 'tour guides' hahahaa. and thanks leanne for crossing the road with me almost at all times! and also sonya who was with me sometimes when i cross the road! i still need to learn how to cross the road LOL. and thanks to everyone of you who made it for the trip and those who intended to join us but just couldnt. i can't help it but to say that my friends are a bunch of lovely people that i'll never ever forget :)
that's all for now and it's time to recharge myself after the lack of sleep for the past 2 nights. goodnight! :D