.leo gathering
about 15 of the current and outgone board of directors of our Leo Club gathered at Pyramid's TGIF for dinner yesterday. the funniest thing is that our teacher advisor totally forgot about the gathering and so she didnt turn up in the end. hahaa.

we had a fun time chatting with the current directors as well as our outgone directors. we're just one big family :)

tasha and i! :D

munying, wenjun and tasha

wenjun, tasha and i :)

a group picture of the girls. i dont know where was man-yi when we took this pic hahaa

leen and i

the four of us :)

few of the guys. lol wei sheng was very random hahhaa

a closer shot of him

the gay guys LOL

leanne and i

man-yi wanted to get a knife from juewern to..ermm..kill jeremy. hahaha

leanne and her drink! hahaha cynthiaaaaaa, leanne told me to take this picture for you to see! do u know whyyy?

my meal! :)

the sweet pair. hahahhaa. ok, this was done just for us to take pictures. =p

jeremy is a rich boy! that's why he paid for our meal! HAHAHA. no la, it's the club's money and the meal for the outgone directors were paid using the club's money.

picture of the girls.

and now everyone except man-yi because she was the one who took this picture.

a group picture with everyone inside! hahaha but practically most of us were not looking at the camera because there were 2 cameras being used to take the group picture at the same time. so we looked at the other one. hahaa

our bill!

weisheng, myself and jeremy - secretary 09/10, secretary 08/09, asst. secretary 08/09 :D

juewern, myself and man-yi! :)

people from 4 generations.

that's all about the gathering. there'll be more posts coming up later as i dont wanna cramp everything in one blog entry :)
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