.holiday - day 3.
Today is a fun funn funn funny happy day! xD.

Guess what I did today?! Lol. I baked fruit tarts with diidii! Hahhaa it was our first time, so yeah, we were like quite excited and so, we baked that excitedly. LOL!

Okay, lets start from the very beginning of the day..dad sent me to nikki’s house before heading to office, and that was about 8 something in the morning. And thennnn, we started baking at about 9! Hahaha. Okay, I can’t actually explain the process very well..so lets move on to the photos and see what we’ve done =p

okay, this is nikki, who's battling with the butter and trying her best to make them to something like bread crumbles. lol

a closer shot of what she was doing

and there you see, the end product of that process!

hahaha us, being quite satisfied with what was done =p

haha and camwhored a little while baking xD

okay, this was the filling. we added milk and whipped cream (in liquid form and not like those in the can for us to spray and play lol)

and we added egg after that.

then, it was cooled for i dont know how long. probably an hour or so. haha

this was that ball just now! LOL! we refrigerated it for abt 30-40 mins and started rolling it to make it even..

we moulded the dough into these cups! =D

the custard filling. it may look a little unpleasant, but it tastes gooodddd!

nikki, trying to pre-heat the oven while looking at the instructions written by her mum. no, we didnt explode the kitchen! xD

baking baking! hahahha

and baked! filling in the self-made custard cream =)


and now, applying apricot gel to make the kiwi slices intact. ahh the apricot gel smells so niceeee~

ta daaaa! this was one of those we baked!

all the 8 kiwi tarts that we baked and decorated! haha looks nice? lol it tastes really good! =D. considered quite good for our first trial hahahaa.

okay, haha time to get a little crazier after that 3-hour long baking session

omg this was scary! i captured this unintentionally. i was just testing some modes in nikki's camera and i just happen to capture this scary shot =.=



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